Welcome to the Indonesian Konigun Ninjutsu training & ninja camps homepage.
Konigun Ninjutsu Indonesia is located in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Indonesia. We also have a group
in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
Weekly meetings are free (days, times and venues to be announced shortly)
Week long training camps are $299.99 per person, inclusive of accommodation, meals, uniforms, instructor
fees, weapons, rank testing, etc.
Upon enrolling in a camp, please email us at indonesia@konigunninjutsu.com and inform us of the exact dates you wish to attend. Your card will not be charged until a vacancy on the date you have selected
is confirmed and you are accepted into the camp.

Martial Art Links
Ninja training camps will be conducted and overseen by Sensei Mr. Jim Haynes, a 3rd degree Black Sash in the Konigun
Ninjutsu Discipline.
Ninjutsu training camps will include accommodation, transportation from the Medan, Indonesia airport to the training
site, ranking and testing, uniforms, a weapon of your choice and proficiency training in that weapon.
Konigun Ninjutsu is one of the most authentic and comprehensive ninja arts alive today. Rooting back 800 years and once
top secret, its techniques have now been made generously available to the public.
