All ninjutsu training participants are advised to obtain medical clearance from their physician prior to engaging in
the activities at the Konigun Ninjutsu Training camp. This is the responsibility of each individual candidates and neither
the camp administrators nor Konigun Ninjutsu shall be held liable for the failure of any candidate to obtain the proper medical
examination and clearance.
There is an assumed risk of injury associated with any martial arts training, though every effort is taken by trained
professionals to keep this possibility to an absolute minimum. It is understood that all participants in waive all claims
of physical, emotional, and financial injury, as well as any loss or damage of property, and that the camp administrators
and Konigun Ninjutsu will not be held liable for any of the aforementioned.
Minors under the age of 18 will not be admitted without a signed letter of consent from a parent or guardian.
The term "Konigun Ninjutsu", as well as the Konigun Ninjutsu Seal and training techniques are the copyrighted intellectual
property of Konigun Ninjutsu and are not to be replicated, used, published, taught or distributed without the express written
consent of Konigun Ninjutsu.